Function: Create Index for Electricity TS DataFrame

A useful function for electricity markets time series data that combines two dataframe columns into one index

Oftentimes when working with Electricity Market data, you’ll be dealing with CSV files from your sources.


As an example, from the Japanese electricity market (JEPX), the market provides a CSV file with a flat table structure.

In order to use these files as timeseries datasets, further processing is needed to create a time-ordered index. From the JEPX CSV file, there are two columns we can combine to form a time-ordered index: DATETIME and PERIOD.

The function below takes in a pandas dataframe, converts the period as minutes, add the minutes to the target index column, and then converts the target index column into an index.

Function Definition

  • Inputs
    • df: DataFrame being modified
    • targetColumn: Column to be designated as the index, usually datetime
    • periodColumn: Column to be combined to the datetime, usually period
    • targetColumnFmt: formate of the targetcolumn
  • Outputs
    • DataFrame - Re-indexed Dataframe with the DateTime column as the index.
  • Reference Libraries
    • Datetime Timedelta
    • Datetime DateTime
from datetime import timedelta
from datetime import datetime

def combineTimePeriodDate(dF,targetColumn='DATETIME',periodColumn='PERIOD',targetColumnFmt ='%Y/%m/%d' ):
    for i, row in dF.iterrows():
        minutes_add = ((int([i, periodColumn]) * 30) - 30)[i, targetColumn] = datetime.strptime([i, targetColumn], targetColumnFmt) + timedelta(minutes=int(minutes_add))
    dF.set_index(targetColumn, inplace=True)
    return dF


As a result of the function, the dataframe is returned with a time-ordered index, ready for use.


  • Allow for hourly, qtrhourly, 5-minute, and 4-hour granularities